Traveller's Workout and Diet Plan

Traveling is tiring. You’ll be fine for the first few days but unless you are superman, the constant change in well, everything, will take its toll. To help you maintain your energy levels and deal with strenuous travel activities, you should try to maintain a strict diet and exercise routine. To help you on your way, we have prepared a few key tips. Keep reading to find out more!


It might be a good idea to start the exercise workout plan before you leave your home. This is because it’ll help your body to cope and build the habit before you’re in a strange place, making it easier and more likely that you will continue with the workout while traveling!

1) Cardio

Doing cardio twice a week will help to improve your stamina and increase your energy levels. It doesn’t have to be complicated; if you have a jump rope, do a few stretches and start jumping! Jogging is a nice idea, and it’s a good way to kill two birds with one stone. You can explore your neighbourhood while getting some exercise in.

2) Strength Training

Strength training is very important, too. You should try to do 3 sets, 15 reps each, at least twice a week. This will improve your body’s ability to cope with a rigorous traveling schedule. Strength training is easy in the sense that you can do it in your room before you leave for the day. Make some room in the corner and start with squats and lunges to build those thigh and leg muscles. Then work your way up to the upper body muscles with shoulder presses and push ups.

Diet plan

When you travel, it’s important to make food a priority. It’s easy to forget to eat when you’re moving from place to place, but it’s not at all advisable. To help you get over motion sickness and stomach issues, you can try ordering some medicines from a site like Valkyrie Online.

- Set times to eat full meals and carry around healthy snacks with you. These snacks could include trail mixes with nuts and dates or even bananas and dried fruits.

- A big breakfast. This is a must. Studies have proved that eating a big breakfast cuts down how hungry you feel in the day. This is incredibly important when you’re travelling and aren’t sure what the day will bring. It’s also the easiest meal to manage; you’ll be in your room, able to relax while you eat before setting out for the day.

- When choosing what to eat while travelling, you’ll need to have plenty of protein. It doesn’t matter if it’s fish, eggs or meat; make sure you have at least one of these ingredients in your meal. It’ll give you the energy to get on with your plans.

- Include some carbohydrates. It’s easy to dismiss these because carbs are seen as fattening. But if you’re careful, and make sure you exercise regularly, you won’t have to worry about fat or hunger. A baked potato is a healthy, filling choice that goes well with almost anything!

Dig deep and find the motivation to follow this advice. It’ll help a lot!

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