Sex-less Marriage On The Rise

Bangalore: It is officially declared that marital celibacy is an ‘undeniable epidemic.’ The land of the Kamasutra is in the midst of a sexual scarcity that is destroying the sacred institution of marriage, and is getting worse with each passing day. Only 20 percent of Indian couples have sex more than once a week, down from 37 percent in 2004 revealed a recent India Today sex survey. Lakshmi Chaudhry, Author, Firstpost stated the top four reasons for the sex-deprived marital lives in today’s world.

1. Affluence:

The big city couples are the standard-bearers of the ‘New Indian marriage’ and term it under “we have lots of stuff, and not much sex.”  The new rules of up market marriages is that  more and more young married couples have decided that sex is no longer the mark of or, for that matter, even crucial to a good marriage. For couples these days, physical relationships are becoming optional.

There is an inverse relationship between affluence and marital sex. Everyone is too busy working hard for that shiny new car, big promotion, or the hefty bonus to pay for the children’s fancy school. Your home after 10 hours spent attending meetings, making presentations, pleasing the bosses, filing reports, responding to a hundred emails, and all this followed by obligatory drinks with the team. And then you end up feigning a head-ache and soon enough, sex becomes one more item on that ever-growing to-do list.

In fact, the small towns fared far higher in terms of sexual satisfaction in the India Today survey. Sexual satisfaction in Jaipur was at 74 percent and just 12 percent in Delhi. So the bottom line is when life is boring, there’s always sex and vice-versa.