How to use Music to Increase Your Productivity

How to use Music to Increase Your Productivity

Whenever we take up a work or a task with a deadline in hand, it becomes extremely important to get the task completed by the deadline. If we do not adhere to the deadlines, then certainly we are not productive at all. But the major question that pops up into most of the brains is that how to gain that "required concentration" while working.

There are various ways to get focused while working on a particular task. A majority of Entrepreneurs and Founders of billion-dollar companies admit to taking the help of Yoga, Meditation, and even Sports while working.

However, in this article, we will discuss one of the most sought-after ways for productivity, that is Music. Most of us have already witnessed the effects of music on productivity like a number of people handle their cars with music on, while some others have the ambient music at their workplace. In this article, we will under how we can use music to increase productivity in day to day life.

1. Music Diverts Your Attention from Noise

Many times, when we are at a certain place filled with noise, such as at an office near a construction site or near an airport where cannot help hearing to those over 100 dB sounds frequently, we lose concentration very soon. Due to the extreme level of noise at such places, some people even find it difficult to sit, let alone working. In such scenarios, the music of your own choice can do wonders. If you are in a closed room, simply turn on the music which you want to listen. This will suppress the unwanted noise at your workplace and enable you to get hold of your concentration.

While in some cases, turning on the music is a source of distraction to the peers and it should be taken care of. A good way is to use headphones or earplugs to listen to your music and continue with the work. Once your brain and the music are synchronized, you will end up working for a longer duration than your usual time. The reason for this gain in productivity is the lack of distraction by unwanted sounds, which have already been eliminated.

2. Known Music Helps to Maintain the Concentration

Talking about a period when there were no man-made devices for music, we still listened to natural music. The singing of birds at dawn is a music that almost every early riser is familiar with. In the same way, whenever we interact with a familiar music, we tend to be more attentive than before. While working on a project, it is essential to be focused on the tasks involved and some familiar music can do wonders for the ones who find it hard to concentrate.

The reason that is often given behind this proposition is that the familiarity with the music takes the auditory tasks of the brain in the subconscious mind, as it already knows what it contains. This enables the conscious mind to take a look at the other tasks, which is indeed a lot more productive.

3. Music Connects Your Brain and Your Task

This is an important role of music in increasing the productivity by establishing a sense of virtual connection between the task and the music. So, it becomes a thing of concurrent actions, that is as long as the music is on, the brain is indulged into the task. This effect can be best explained by the example of a video game. Whenever a game is in play, it always has music in it. That music links you to the tasks in the game, be it a cricket game, a racing game or any other game.

You always feel something has been missed out when you turn the game sounds off and try playing the game. In a similar fashion, when you listen to a music while doing a task, and do itover and over again, it will become difficult to lose concentration with the music on. This is an instrumental factor in becoming more productive, all credits to music.

4. Instrumental Music Keeps You Involved for a Longer Duration

It has been reported by a number of people that they find music distracting and hence do not prefer music to increase productivity. This happens when people mistakenly take songs and music to be the one and the same thing. The cause of distraction is anything which can be interpreted by the brain.

Thus, if you are using a familiar lyrical music during a task of high focus, you are actually losing productivity instead of increasing it. For a music to be able to keep you involved, it should be free of lyrics.

If lyrics are something you cannot overlook in music, as is the case with a large number of people, try to use the lyrics in an unfamiliar language, which will serve you the purpose of a nonlyrical music. This way the brain will overlook the interpretation of the music and simply keep you connected to the task.

5. Lyrical Music is Best Suited for Low Concentration Tasks

As discussed above, using a familiar lyrical music for some tasks is certainly a bad idea, but you cannot make the lyrical music a villain in this whole discussion for no reason. To start with, if you want to start listening music while working, then you can try any free music download app. They usually offer free streaming of songs, as well as instrumental music of different genres.

In fact, several studies have proved that lyrical music is best for increasing productivity during physical tasks such as jogging, playing, etc. Thus, it is highly advisable to use lyrical music while on the field or in the gym, but instrumental music should be given a preference in office work.


All in All, you could understand that music plays a vital role in improving the productivity if you choose the right genre, while it can also bring your productivity to an all-time low if used improperly. Thus, it is important to know about the tools you use to get the best results.

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