Blend of Courage and Bravery! 5 Param Vir Chakra Stories Every Indian Must Read


Dhan Singh Thapa:

Lieutenant-Colonel Dhan Sing Thapa, was a brave Colonel, who surprised Chinese forces with strategic moves. It was 1962 in Ladak, where the 1/8 Gorkha Rifles headed by Colonel Thapa were ordered to defend the borders, relatively Thapa and his men were deployed at the borders, where they faced three consecutive attacks by the enemies.

Nevertheless, Thapa caused heavy damage to the enemies in first two ambushes, but by the third encroachment of the enemy, Indian troop suffered many casualties. This forced Thapa to come off the trench to fight hand to hand combat with enemy soldiers and killed a few but eventually died.

Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon:

Flying Officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon, was conferred Param Vir Chakra for the brave Arial fight against the Pakistani fighter jets in 1971. Sekhon was a pilot of the Gnat aircraft and while serving at the Srinagar, the base was ambushed by the enemy aircrafts and in spite of knowing that it is prone to take off, Officer Sekhon took off. Subsequently, he  joined the fight with other Indian fighter jets, in the course of the battle, he hit two enemy aircraft, but then his aircraft was bombed which also killed him.

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