7 visual content you need to start including in your blog posts

7 visual content you need to start including in your blog posts

The human brain processes image 60,000 times faster than text. Those are not my words, but rather 3M Corporation’s. In one of their research, the multinational company found that, indeed, human beings are visual creatures.

If you write blog posts, this is telling you that you cannot do without visual content. As much as the story you want to tell is text-based, you need visual content to captivate and woo your audience.

In this post, we're going to show you some of the most effective visual content you can add to your blog posts.

1.  Infographics

According to QuickSprout, people love blog posts with infographics more than those without them.

For readers, infographics are more aesthetically pleasing than regular images. Also, they make it easier to consume information. Instead of reading large blocks of texts, infographics enable readers to get the same information in only a few seconds.

Additionally, infographics generate more shares and backlinks for your post. When you create amazing data-driven visuals, people will naturally share them with their friends and colleagues. Also, when someone needs a statistic or an interesting fact to back up their blog post, they will likely use your data-driven visual and reward you with a backlink in return.

So, basically, infographics do the work of engaging your audience, as well as earning you backlinks.

You should start creating your process infographics with the Zen flowchart today. The free tool has a bundle of flowchart symbols to help you design just about any chart.

2. Gifographics

Looking to stun your audience and capture their attention for a split second? Think gifographics. A combination of GIFs and infographics, this unique visual content has the power to captivate an audience while also sending a sufficient message across.

Unlike regular infographics that are rigid and static, gifographics bring a bit of life and dynamism into your content. The movement and interaction of the characters/items make whatever information you have for your audience stand out a bit more.

It's hard to miss a gifographic in any content. They always stand out.

3. Visual quotes

You probably use quotes in your blog posts already. So, that means you know the importance.

However, we want you to take things up a notch from today. Instead of putting your quotes in quotation marks, turn them into visuals. More like memes.

That helps to grab an audience's attention faster. And it also gives the quote a chance to stay longer in the reader's heart.

Imagine I quote one of Warren Buffet's famous lines somewhere in this article. And I'm like, "if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." Then someone else turned that line into an image, as shown below. Which one do you think will stay longer in readers' minds? I'm guessing the latter.

Mind you; readers are even more likely to share the image format with others.

4. Memes

Gone are the days when memes were perceived as the stuff of kids. Nowadays, even the biggest brands incorporate memes in their marketing content.

And why wouldn't they? Virtually everyone who reads a blog today is present on social media. And as you know, memes are what make social media go round.

Although some by-the-book writers are still reluctant to throw memes in their posts, you shouldn't be like them. Memes kind of portray you as someone who understands the trends.

Besides the humor aspect, you can also use memes to get a message across instead of boring readers to death with blocks and blocks of text.

5. Screenshots

The beauty of screenshots is they can be taken from anywhere. You could get them off Quora, Google result page, Facebook group, Twitter thread, YouTube comment section, someone else’s blog, or even within your own Whatsapp chat.

This gives bloggers a load of ready-made information sources. Whether you’re looking to showcase social proof, emphasize a point, make recommendations to readers, or teach in a step-by-step format, screenshots can provide you with everything you need.

Imagine you're trying to refer readers to something you said in a blog post you wrote some months back. You can take a screenshot of the page and add it to the new blog.

Suppose you want to prove to readers that you're an expert on a subject. You can post a screenshot of a conversation you had with someone who was singing your praise.

Imagine you want to show readers how to register for something online. You can take a screenshot of each registration page and then add it to your blog for readers to follow when they're trying to register.

And the case studies go on and on.

6. Slideshows

Slideshows may be looked upon as outdated when used on website homepages, but they're still very much useful in the context of blog posts.

As you will agree, most blog posts are written to answer users’ queries. Whether that's something about where to buy an item, how-to DIY stuff, or how to complete a process. Instead of narrating steps in blocks and blocks of boring texts, why not use slideshows?

That is, you convert the text into simple infographic-like images. Then you compile and upload them as slideshow presentations on your blog. That way, when a reader comes in, they simply need to scroll sideways to find answers to what they're looking for.

Imagine you want to write a blog post about the 7 steps involved in painting a room. Knowing that some people may not have the time to read the post until the end, you can create a simple slideshow that summarizes the process. Place this slideshow at the top of the page for readers to see it. Of course, the slideshow won’t be as detailed as reading the article itself. But it should be a decent summary for someone who wants a quick answer.

7. Photos

How could we ever forget about the kind of visual elements? Photos have been a huge part of blogging for as long as anyone can remember. They can be used to showcase topics, emphasize points, or in place of texts. Besides, they could also play the role of information source.

Without a doubt, photos deserve a place in all forms of blog posts.

That said, when uploading photos into blog posts, it’s advisable to prioritize unique photos rather than photos taken off the internet. This is crucial for the site’s reputation and also SEO.

Furthermore, photo size and quality are important factors to consider when adding photos to blogs. You don't want to add heavy photos that slow down a site's speed.