7 Things To Add To Your Checklist Before Your Trip

7 Things To Add To Your Checklist Before Your Trip

Travelling is a great way to relax and take a break from your daily routine. But to maximize the fun and entertainment value of your travels you need to keep a few things in your mind. I know most of you think of such stuff before going for a trip but there are certain things which do not come to mind like- Do I need to keep the contact of the Personal Injury attorney near me (See Point Number 4)? Believe me, unfortunate events can happen any time and keeping all grounds covered will give you a trip free of worries. So, here are 7 Things To Add To Your Checklist Before Going For A Trip.

1. Keep A Photo of Your Passport and Any Other Identification Proof

Alright, you know this was going to be the first one because obviously one of the most important items required while travelling is your ID proof. If you are travelling abroad your passport is of prime importance. So, make sure you have everything in order before you leave. One smart thing to do is to click a few photos of your ID and passport along with keeping a Xerox of them. This is very handy and if trouble brews and you lose your documents you will have something to show. This has helped a lot may people on various occasions especially in foreign countries when dealing with the local authorities. Also, make sure to keep your important documents in a safe place. Make a list of all the things that you are going to take with you.

2. Manage The Monetary Aspects Beforehand

Another important thing to worry about before leaving is money. You may think that in this day and age of digital currency it might not be a problem. But you are wrong. Smooth cash flow is very essential when taking a vacation so that you can actually enjoy your vacation rather than worrying about cash. If you are travelling locally make sure you hit the ATM or your bank and withdraw a judicious amount of cash for your budget. You might not always get an ATM machine close at hand at the place you are visiting. This will save you from searching for an ATM frantically in need of cash. For international travel, you need to withdraw a good amount of local currency at the airport ATM and make sure to know about the ATM locations at the place you are visiting. If you take the trouble beforehand you don't have to worry when you are travelling.

3. Contact a Lawyer before travelling

Before going for any trip, the most important thing that you must add in checklist is to contact a lawyer before travelling, Especially if you are going to pass through accident prone areas. Accidents and crashes are very common while travelling, you must keep in touch with a Car accident attorney in your city or Personal injury attorney so as to cop up with situations immediate aftermath a road accident.

4. Notify The Bank If You Are Travelling Overseas

This is an important thing to do if you are planning a trip abroad. Many banks keep a track of your account and your credit card spendings. They monitor it for the purpose of noticing fraudulent activities. The banks know your pattern of spending and if they see cash being withdrawn overseas they might get suspicious and block your card. Of course, you can call them and get it unblocked but it is a hassle and you don't want it to ruin your travels. So, why not take a trip to your bank before your travels and let them know about your plans. Also, since we are on the topic make sure you write down your credit/debit card details somewhere and keep it safe. In case of any unfortunate events, the information will come in handy.

5. Know The Place Before You Leave

Many people think that this point is obvious especially if you are taking a trip abroad but believe me people still tend to look at superficial stuff rather than actual helpful stuff. Travels are fun if you enjoy to the fullest and stay on budget. To do that you have to research the place thoroughly. This does not mean you just look up places online to see which places you can visit. You need to understand the local culture and norms. There might be laws which you might find absurd but if you know it beforehand you will be ready. Also, learn about the locals and get in touch with someone who has been to the place.

Know how the local authorities are like and whom to contact in case of trouble. Look, even though no place is inherently bad thinks can go awry at times and you might need to take legal help. This has happened in quite a few cases. Search on Google and can learn about cheap ways to travel as it will save a lot of money which you can spend on something else. Another important thing is to see if the place has any sort of communicable disease and get proper vaccinations.

6. Charge All Your Electronic Devices and Keep Charged Powerbanks

This is a piece of advice which most of you might be following already. In this day and age, smartphones mobiles, cameras are pretty important in everyday life. So, people do tend to them and take care to charge the batteries. Try to keep one or two charged power banks because you never know when there's an emergency. If you are going to some remote place and don't want to be bothered by smartphones and laptops keep a satellite phone handy. It's good to be prepared for any unfortunate event. In a remote place even a cut, can be deadly and you might need to call for help.

7. The First and Last Day Should be Well-Planned

The first and the last day of your visit is very important. The first day you try to set into the routine. You need to get to your hotel or dorm and start getting adjusted. Although if you have planned your trip well ahead you might face fewer problems but still being there in the actual place is whole another ball game. Once you have settled in get an idea about the locations and transportations. Find good street food stalls as they are cheap and will give you the local flavour. Talk with the locals viz. the hotel manager, other tourists, etc. and plan how you can make the most of your time and which places to visit and which to leave.

The last day is pretty important too. You are packing to leave and return home. Often people misplace things or forget packing something important. Make sure you are prepared well before your flight or train. Search your hotel room thoroughly and consult the list from the first point to see if all things have been packed.

8. Sort Your House/Room Before Leaving

This is a sort of secondary but important advice. You don't want to leave your house messy and unclean before starting your travel. You will feel good and will get a chance to relax when you return. Pay all the due bills and switch off and unplug all the devices that do not need to be on during your absence. Ask a trusted friend or relative to check on your house/room occasionally. Stop all the subscriptions like newspaper and magazines or ask your neighbour or friend to collect them occasionally.

Have fun!