10 Phobia's Most Widespread Among People

8 Frightful Flight
Many people have different levels of fear associated with flying, the ones who can’t get on a plane, they suffer from aviophobia and then there are some who get a bit anxious on planes. 25 million or more people in U.S. suffer from the fear of flying. As per Barbara Rothbaum, professor of psychiatry and the Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program director at Emory University School of Medicine there are two groups among frightful fliers. One, person afraid of plane crash and second are people who feels claustrophobic and posse the threat of panic attack in the cabin.

7 Thunder and Lightning
The fear of thunder and lighting is so deep seated in some people that they pack up and move to a place with calm weather. Weather phobia causes heart pounding, sweaty palm meltdown in some cases. John Westefeld of the University of Iowa said, recommending treatment, “a combination of social support and accurate information, and training in ways of coping with anxiety and panic,” in case of severe weather phobia.

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