10 Nostalgic Cartoons That Need To Be Brought Back In India

BANGALORE: Age old cartoons dated back to the 90’s, were perhaps the last trace of pure entertainment and intelligent humor that birthed ‘Cartoon Network’ for being all that it was and more to kids back in the days.  Nothing is… as it once was, but we owe it to our stars for having those cartoons, being held responsible for heating up our small static filled television sets.

With the rise of these reminiscences, we do not point accusation at the new age cartoons that have exiled our fond memories. We simply blame them for their utterly deplorable face of infotainment and sheer lack of ingenuity.

Now before the listing begins to avoid bemusing your expectation, this article isn’t solely to incite your curiosity, it is a written testament, a protest, on behalf of the 90’s kids, to ‘Bring Back what is rightfully ours”.

We hope that someday these nostalgic cartoons will be resurrected for the sake of the future generation, if not… god save the damned!

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