Factors affecting service quality of the business ecosystem

Businesses all around the world make relentless efforts to provide superior services to their customers. But the harsh truth is that all of them do not achieve success. There is an integral involvement of a number of factors have a negative effect on the service quality rendered to the customer and in various ways restrict business establishments in offering exceptional services to customers.

It can be any way through which a company renders customer support. It can be e-mail, it can be live chat or it can be over a cold call. But no matter what process it is, a customer will always expect excellent service from the company he is requesting support to. Many a times, the auto responder in the live chat section finds it difficult to accept chat requests and because of this the customer is let down and does not have a clue who to ask for support. This has a negative impact about the customer service quality of the company on the customer. When there is also no timely mails and only the auto generated mails are at work, then also this kind of problem arises. In these situations, the customer thinks that either the business is dead or the management is at all taking it seriously. 

A business must always keep in mind that if the employees are not inclined to the proper direction psychologically in assisting the customers, it should dedicate suitable training programs to improve it. It must be ensured that the employees provide superior customer service and take the responsibility of the clients on their own shoulders. As a matter of fact, the aspects like replying late to the customers, not meeting up to their requirements properly or at specific instances are completely unable to resolve their issues will do a lot of harm to the business instead of doing any good to it.

Sometimes, it is the primary complains of most of the customers that when they call or get in touch with the customer service team of any company, they feel as if they are interacting to a robot. There always must be a policy that the approach of everyone in the customer service department should be friendly towards any customer enquiring for any kind of problem. A customer feels terribly hurt when he does not get the expected response from the customer service executive or if in any case a customer service executive is unable to recognise a customer who has been loyal to the company, it is utterly shameful. There must always be a level of trust acting between the employee and the customer that helps the customer relation drive further and build a strong relation between the customer and the company. In this way, a company will be able to retain its customers and gain better sustainability in the marketplace owing to the increasing acceptance of the customers.

These are the primary factors that are involved in the customer service quality of a company but there are other factors that are involved as well. For a company to yield a solid customer base, the customer relationship management must not have any kind of flaws.

Identifying the gap in service quality

In order to detect the flaws and gaps in the service quality, the factors influencing bad service quality to the customers must be addressed in the beginning. If it is the problem of an auto responder, then a company must always keep in mind that it must be used in a minimal manner. Too much use of auto generated emails and responses can be harmful for the customer relationship management of the company. So, it is always suggested that in order to have exceptional customer support services, phone support with personal touch and emails with good and refined language on a personal level must always be maintained.

If the case is that employees are not educated about the proper ways of handling customers, then a company must always find out what are the lacks in management. It must detect the specific points in which the employees are failing to render proper services to the clients and are no living up to the mark of the prestige of the company. Sometimes it happens that there is lack in proper soft skills training which is reason why most of the employees fail to live up to the requirements of the clients. Proper training programs must be implemented in order to fill the gaps in the employee behaviour and they can perform better during work.

In order to detect the lack of approach in the cold calling services by companies, it must be followed how the customer service executive interact with the clients. Most of the times, it is the lack of proper motivation that makes the employees interact in a certain uninterested way to the customer. For this, it must be found out whether the motivation could be given to the individual so that the performance gets better. As a matter of fact, sometimes this is also the case that the employee is not made for a sales job. Not everyone can do everything. To do sales is to give in to the customer to gain complete trust with decency. People who are motivated enough to attract the requirements of the customer must always be employed by the company.

The detection of gaps and flaws must always be done at an early stage by any company when it comes to proper handling of customer relationship management. Employees must always be kept in loop as to what should be the steps and measures to take in case of any problems. The company must always be prepared to take on any kind of customer expectation thus trusting the calibre of the customer relationship management department. An early detection of the flaws will help the management team develop better programs to handle customer expectations and develop trust and loyal with the customers. Service quality is one of the most important aspects of any business and must be handled with very carefully. Major blunders can take place if the flaws and gaps in service quality are not detected at an early stage.