Worst Data Infringements of 2012

Bangalore: With some of the biggest websites like Yahoo accepting that a lot of its passwords were compromised by cyber-criminals, hacking has been one of the hottest topics this year. The threat has set an alarm for all the big companies which are now pulling up their socks and focusing on security like never before, spending a large chunk of their revenues on tightening up their security-cells.
The hackers, not only attack the major websites but also the websites of schools, colleges, public offices. While some of them execute hacking for criminal purposes, it has been revealed that most of the others are doing it just for the love of breaking into systems and exposing loopholes. Whatever the reason may be but such instances lead to a sense of insecurity among people.
While the threat of cyber-security is on its prime, let us have a look on the 16 worst data breaches of 2012, so far:

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