5 Signs for CIOs that Their Cloud Service Provider Can't Handle Tier 1 Apps

#2 When the cloud provider fails to understand the significance of change management process:

Every CIO must make sure that their cloud service provider has well documented the management process and functionalized them within the organization. "In a cloud environment, change is inevitable," McLellan says. "If they don't have a change management process that's mature, you can get into a lot of trouble."

#3 When the cloud provider fails to provide a correct SLA:

CIOs must realize the fact on what kind of Service Level Agreement must be provided to their enterprise. Should it be a SLA for each product like firewall, storage and cloud or should it be a single SLA at the application layer? Mclellan believes that it’s pretty risky when SLAs are applied for every single product alone.

"I believe you should have an SLA at the application layer itself," McLellan says. "Is the application available for its intended users or not? If the host you're working with is not prepared to provide you with an SLA that's easy to understand, it's time to look for a new cloud hoster."

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