Here's What Teens Buy The Most

Digital Devices:

Teens today, also known as the Facebook Generation or “digital natives,” mostly shop for consumer electronics like computers, mobile phones, and smart devices for their personal use and this account for a big part of their spending.

Since the Web has become an indispensable learning tool in today’s classrooms, so demand is growing for devices that connect with the teens with this technology. As such, Teens already make up the majority of the world's digital device users, and the numbers will continue to grow further in the near future.


Shoes is one such things where both the genders spend their money. Teens from every income group are spending lavishly on buying their favorite pair of shoes. It has been something that the youngsters are draining their pocket money off. As per the report, shoes alone, account for between 25 and 30 percent of a teen’s wardrobe expenditure.

Converse, Vans, Nike and Adidas are some of the brand that is hugely bought by the younger lot. At times, teenagers will also spent extravagantly for shoes from lesser known brand if it looks good and is trending.

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