Alluring Brands That Have Fascinated Indians the Most

Bangalore: In India, most of the brands have made a niche in the heart of consumers. This is not just because of consumer’s love for that particular brand but also for its pinnacle achievements. As per the research conducted by Trust Research Advisory (TRA), brands can attract consumers in various ways. Advertisement is one such way for it. Brands are promoted so well with colorful advertisements and sometimes add more effect by including famous personalities like sportsperson, actors, models and so on.
Let’s have a glimpse of brands most attracted by the Indians as listed by Yahoo:

1. Pepsi:

Pepsi is a brand that comes under the category of soft drinks. It was founded in the year 1893 by a company named PepsiCo Inc. This company is into manufacturing, marketing and distribution of foods, beverages and many other grain-based products. The company has around 297,000 people working under it all over the world. As of 2012, PepsiCo product is a mixture of around 63 percent foods and around 37 percent beverages. Its core earning for full year per share was $4.10 and 5 percent of organic revenue growth in 2012.

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