3 Ways Testimonials Drive Business Growth

3 Ways Testimonials Drive Business Growth

With the exponential use of internet, almost every seller wants to sell online. But, how does one promote the products that are sold online? The immediate response to this would be various marketing strategies. These marketing strategies may draw customers to view the products on the website, but finding out what actually persuades them to buy them is a stumbling block. This is where testimonials come in. Yes, testimonials play a crucial role in online business, especially, when it comes to convincing the customers to buy the products.   

Testimonials have the potential to convert a website visitor into paying customer. Generally, it could be quite hard to make a customer buy products from an unknown website or trades. But, testimonials can bring a solution to this problem. A positive testimonial gives the confidence to indulge in shopping in that particular website. Here are a few tips on how to use testimonials to boost business growth.

Displaying Testimonials on Homepage

Businesses usually tend to put up their customer's testimonial on their homepage. According to sources, about 86 percent of website visitors prefer to view the information about the product or service offered by the business. The product or service information offered as testimonials would be genuine and grab the visitor's attention. Besides, businesses also use these testimonials to engage the customers on the website which in turn would enhance the website traffic.

Posting Testimonials on Social Media

Receiving positive feedback or testimonial from customers has a lot of weightage and businesses can flaunt these testimonials on social media. If the feedback is given directly on social media, promote those feedbacks, also, feature those testimonials on other social media platforms as well. By highlighting these positive testimonials, the brand can reach the target audience easily and further strengthen the brand awareness among the customers.

Developing Customer Loyalty

When customers write feedback for the products or services after using it, the brand may approach those customers to seek their permission for publishing their testimonials on the brand's website and social media platform. This gesture of the brand would usually overwhelm the customers and develop an emotional connect, which would gradually build loyalty among the customers. Loyal customers are the treasure of every business, and they would also refer the brand to others and help in expanding the brand's customer base.

These are just a few ways of using testimonials to boost business growth. Apart from these, testimonials could be used in email marketing, advertising, enhancing business credibility, and to improvise the product or service provided according to customer's preference. Thus, these testimonials help in enhancing the overall growth of the organization.