10 Firms Richer than Several Nations

Bangalore: Many of the companies generate more revenue than any other country and also hold assets which value more than the country’s assets. So here is the list of the 10 companies which are richer than several nations.


Yahoo is an American multinational internet corporation whose headquarter is in Sunnywale, California, United States and is one of the largest website in United States. Yahoo has it all and is best known for its web portal, Search engine, Yahoo directory, Yahoo mail, Yahoo groups, Yahoo news, Yahoo answers, advertising, online mapping, video sharing, fantasy sports and social media website and services. It was founded by Jerry Yale and David Filo and the present CEO is Scott Thompson and the chairman is Roy Bostock. According to the 2011 estimation it was found that their total revenue is $4.98 billion and their total assets are $14.78 billion which is more than some of the countries revenue and assets like Mongolia.