siliconindia | | March 20226EditorialSagaya ChristurajManaging Editoreditor@siliconindia.comAs businesses are increasing becoming global, they are looking for solutions to improve communication and collaboration with remote employees, leading to rise in demand for VoIP products such as IP phones and low-priced call plans. These developments are in turn leading to need for higher transfer speeds for high-quality voice and data services for businesses. With that said, it is expected that the VoIP industry is poised to evolve--grow up to 55 billion dollars by 2025 to be precise--making a more significant impact on how global business is conducted. On that note, with continued technological enhancements, including 5G adoption, unified communication-as-a-Service (UCaaS) growth, and increased AI usage, VoIP is now strengthening its full potential. For instance, one enormous benefit UCaaS is bringing forth is centralizing all communication within one platform virtually. Rather than purchasing a separate video conferencing tool, instant messaging application, and voice solution, companies can invest in one product that has it all. Besides, since UCaaS is cloud-based, users can access these platforms from anywhere with a strong internet connection. In the same leg, AI in VoIP systems are also helping to create more intelligent digital voice assistants that can conduct real-time sentiment analysis, informing agents whether a customer is happy, angry, or confused before they're even on the call with them. The skills-based call routing is another way AI is boosting VoIP capabilities. Keeping these trends in mind, in this edition of Silicon India, we bring you the story of some of the VoIP solutions providers that deliver the best outcomes for their clients. This edition also offers a combination of thought leadership articles from subject matter experts and exclusive insights from CIOs and CXOs. We hope this edition will provide you with the right assistance in choosing the VoIP solution providers that fits your business requirements.Let us know your thoughts! Smarter VoIP will Go Mainstream Managing Editor Sagaya Christu Raj Editorial StaffsiliconindiaCopyright © 2022 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.Visualiser John Goutham Sanket Srivastava siliconindiaMarch 11, 2022, volume 25-02 (ISSN 1091-9503)Published monthly by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to siliconindiaVisit or send email to Contact Us:Phone:510.722.8390, Fax:510.894.8405Satish Kumarsatishkumar@siliconindia.comSr.Visualiser Ashok kumar Circulation Manager Magendran PerumalSalesDisclaimer: Some of the Insights are based on our interviews with CIOs and CXOsEmail:sales@siliconindia.comeditor@siliconindia.commarketing@siliconindia.comAnkit SinghAgnes D'souzaJennifer NaskarJoe PhilipShiv Shanker SenguptaSarah Fernandes
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