Digital Building Blocks

Date:   Tuesday , February 07, 2017

Every function has its buzzwords. In IT, we\'re all about the \"ities.\" Agility, mobility, reliability, scalability, possibility. And while their overuse makes these terms seem trivial, they are anything but. In developing apps that work for today\'s customers, these are the things that matter.

And to make them a reality, you need a framework that supports them. A framework that provides a consistent programming environment that allows you to create more reliable, secure systems and gives you tools to transform what you\'re building.

Choices, choices

There are plenty of frameworks out there to choose from. And each has its own advantages. Microsoft.NET, for instance, is program-language agnostic with a common language runtime and Framework Class Library that make things radically simple. The library provides tested, reusable code that developers can use in their own applications and the programming language of their choice. And, the code library adds a layer of security, promoting safe execution of code, even when created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party.

In addition, it plays well with others. At SAP, for instance, we can integrate over our stack with a Microsoft stack.

Crowdsourcing, Meet Development

But frameworks are nothing if they aren\'t open. And the most powerful ones come with communities built around them that connect programmers with tools and insights that enhance can their performance, productivity and results. Think crowdsourcing for development. It\'s a powerful trend that is reshaping the function and opening the door to entirely new possibilities. And it underscores an important point that is often lost in conversations about development.

Speaking the Language

Development isn\'t just about code. It takes people. And as the battle for IT talent becomes ever more intense, frameworks are a key weapon in attracting the right people with the right skills to develop the next big thing. It\'s rare to find programmers who are strong in multiple languages. So it is important to have a framework where language doesn\'t matter.

Changing on a Dime

Interesting things are happening in technology right now. Things that require new ways of thinking and operating. There are officially more connected devices in the world than people, and consumers are glued to them day and night. So everything has to be mobile. Most of the time, when you\'re building an app, it might be for laptop or phone or cloud. It\'s tied to your platform and not easy to adapt from one to the other without rewriting the code. In a world where consumers want things yesterday, few development organizations have this kind of time.

Frameworks need to be flexible and provide the agility you need to quickly adjust things in response to market trends and changing customer or business needs.

Charting New Courses

At the end of the day, frameworks are the digital equivalent of building blocks. They are foundation on which you can build reliable, secure systems that enable you to move faster and better. To keep pace with emerging trends and push the boundaries of innovation. And with the right one, you can deliver next-generation apps and web services that fuel new business processes, strategies and directions that give you - and your customers - advantage.