SAP’s new High Performance Analytic Appliance (SAP HANA) software

Date:   Thursday , January 06, 2011

SAP AG unveiled High Performance Analytic Appliance (SAP HANA) software which is based on in-memory database computing. This first version of SAP HANA is the result of a robust co-innovation program between SAP and its key partners and customers.

SAP HANA leverages the power of in-memory data processing by primarily relying on main memory for computer data storage. The main memory databases are faster than disk-optimized databases since the internal optimization algorithms are simpler and execute only fewer CPU instructions. “SAP HANA and the first applications built on it are already showing customers the unprecedented speed of in-memory computing, as well as the latency they have in the layers of their current IT systems,” said Vishal Sikka, Executive Board Member, Technology and Innovations Platform, SAP AG.

As a part of the co-innovation program, SAP has used data from customers to demonstrate how particular business processes could be improved by SAP HANA, and these customers are already seeing valuable results. Coca-Cola, Hellenic, Future Group, and Hilti are some of the key customers who provided data for analysis. “We participated in the co-innovation program of SAP HANA and saw how SAP in-memory computing can dramatically improve our processes,” said Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti.

Working together with its partner and customer ecosystem, SAP plans in the next year to introduce new applications based on SAP HANA that will help utility companies manage power supply in real time, provide retailers more timely analysis of point-of-sale data and enable more accurate sales pipeline forecasting for all types of companies.