Wider Mobile Screens @ One Click can Take on Newspapers: Murthy

Date:   Thursday , December 31, 2009

With cellphones gaining popularity with each passing day, new innovations can lead to faster adoption of this device among the people especially in a country like India. In this context, Chief Mentor of IT major Infosys N.R. Narayana Murthy said that mobiles can even intensify competition with newspapers if the screens are larger.

Murthy said that including a button on the mobile phone to enlarge the screen could be a solution. “By pressing a button if the screen on a mobile handset enlarges to some 6x8 inches it could become a platform for viewing news. Again on the click of the button, the screen should contract to its original size,” Murthy added.

According to Murthy, there are developments taking place on a similar concept. “A thinking on these lines, I am told, is going on. Once this happens, the mobile could become a more powerful medium,” he said. Murthy also felt that use of TV bandwidth for Internet could bring down the cost of broadband significantly.

Today, close to 400 million people in India own mobile phones and having able to read a newspaper on the handset could be a major benefit to many users. With more people in India starting to use their mobile phones to access Internet, there are lot of opportunities emerging in the country to use more innovations. In fact, 15-20 percent of the mobiles are internet equipped and the number of Indians using their mobiles to go online has increased from 16 million in 2006 to about 40 million now.

With a lot of debate going on about the younger generation getting lonelier by using Internet as a medium to communicate with each other, Murthy said that he still prefers face-to-face-interactions with his friends and not the online method.