Knowledge is Key to Success

Date:   Thursday , June 03, 2010

Anoop M

Employer: Sungard Technology Services
Designation: Software Engineer
Experience: 4.5 years

ST: What is your job there?
AS: Code development for various projects.

ST: What do you like about your job?
AS: The domain and language in which I work and the intra-team work culture.

ST: What do you find challenging about your job?
AS: Mine is comparatively a new team , trying to do the job that is fairly well done by the masters of the industry in US for more than a quarter century. So the aspect of keeping up to their expectation and the prospects of growth combined with responsibilities makes it challenging.

ST: What have you found that makes your job easier?
AS: The technical knowledge, my prior experience and of course the help given by my seniors at Hopkins(US).

ST: What are your hobbies?
AS: Movies, Cricket and Books.