In a Sea of Innovations

Date:   Monday , June 01, 2009

ST: WhaGokul Prem Kumar
Employer: Oracle
Designation: Project Trainee
Experience: 6 months

ST: What is your job there?
GPK: I am into Oracle GIT Application Development. I work on Web services and automation of their invocation in any environment. I also work on Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) in crawling data and automating configuration process.

ST: What do like about your job?
GPK: There is a constant push to innovate, making me more excited about the job. I also get tremendous opportunities for personal learning and growth.

ST: What do you find challenging about your job?
GPK: That the work involves a lot of innovation and requires a generic solution for all environments poses a big challenge to me.

ST: What have you found that makes your job easier?
GPK: The constant guidance and support I receive from my senior team members have been enriching my experience and making my job easier.

ST: What are your hobbies?
GPK: Playing table tennis, browsing on Orkut, and listening to music.