
The Buzzword Called ‘Entrepreneurship’

John Angami
Friday, February 27, 2015
John Angami
In today's world of competition, the risk of unemployment looms in every person's mind. Getting a confirmed Government job is a struggling long process. Meanwhile, the rate of unemployment is not getting any lower. This is a major factor which leads many to find other means of survival, in this case, business. Rather referred to as entrepreneurship. This field of 'self-employment' seems to be the current leading trend among people. However, what does it take to be one? The Merriam Webster defines entrepreneurship as a start-up idea where an individual is willing to risk loss in order to make profit. With that being said, what an entrepreneur does is, employ people to run the business, while acknowledging the fact that it could be a huge success, or a total failure. However, in any given scenario the positive thing about entrepreneurship is that it gives a chance for people to be employed as well.

It is not easy to be an entrepreneur, let alone being a successful one. Being an entrepreneur requires skills and talents of the business world, along with some capital to start up. Entrepreneurs have a different outlook towards everything and live by risk. There are no set rules on being a successful entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs are often dedicated people who have an envisioned sense of creativity, confidence and good leadership skills. And, these entrepreneurs do things out of the box not only for their own benefits but they do it to solve an unmet problem.

According to the reports from the present industry conditions, in India, the number of entrepreneurs seems to be increasing. The manufacturing field alone witnessed a growth of over 40 percent new start-ups. The survey conducted by 0ECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) estimates that this rise is facilitated by educational backgrounds, work experience and role models. The study has shown that these people are individuals who study the market, making notes of the challenges the public face as a whole. They are individuals who are collaborative with their undertakings, people with a distinct idea of the future. Thus, saying that entrepreneurs are made, not born is only fitting.
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