
April - 2014 - issue > CEO Spotlight

Content Marketing is the Smart Marketing

Dinesh Raju
CEO-Referral Candy
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Dinesh Raju
Torrance, CA based ReferralCandy, a SaaS provider that automates referral programs for online stores. The company founded in 2009 is backed by Innosight Ventures.

With the advent of content marketing, marketing now has gotten smarter and much effective. Brands are focusing on content marketing to compete for consumers' attention amidst the noise of the Internet. It is reshaping the way businesses used to tell their brands' stories and connect with consumers through emerging channels of relevance.

The Old Spice 'Smell like a Man' campaign and 'The Most Interesting Man in the World' from Dos Equis set the new marketing standard to stay top of mind with the modern consumer. Red Bull's Stratos and Coke's "America is Beautiful" ad show that the savviest brands are learning how to craft newsworthy messages that enlist the mainstream media to do their marketing for them.

Social Media: A Prominent Tool for Marketing

Millions of people, or consumers from the industries perspective, are connected to the social media and a company should know how to use this platform effectively to drive consumers. With the stock market listings of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it is clear that social marketing is here to stay. The primary target is to learn how to analyze consumers' public data trails to deliver useful information while being respectful to their privacy concerns. This can bring us closer to the Holy Grail where marketing provides consumers with interesting and relevant recommendations instead of knocking them over the head with messages they are not interested in.

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