
Avani: The Leader in Ever Expanding Mobile Enterprise Solutions Market

Susila Govindaraj
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Susila Govindaraj
Numerous surveys stress the magnitude of customer focus, which is forecasted to even eclipse product features and cost factors in future. Deliberately or not, larger enterprises fecklessly bet on their brand name and blatantly disregard all these three most imperative factors as they grow bigger and bigger. Noticing this injustice during his tenures in MNCs, Sameer Penakalapati, a typical IT hireling, wielded sheer customer focus as the key to unfurl the best cost and product factors and found the treasure of success. Unveiling the secret to his great success, 'So much can be accomplished by having more focused approach towards customers', simply states Sameer, a self-made man who raised his company from scratch to Inc.500 America's fastest growing private companies with $12 million software product and custom software solutions development company.

Intriguing Hitherto Cynical Enterprises

In today's saturated enterprise solutions space, Avani surges ahead of the competition by handpicking key areas like HMC (Human Capital Management) and marrying them with the trending technologies (cloud & mobility) and heedfully chosen powerful tools appropriate for that certain customer. However, the factor that singles out Avani is its prowess in providing these exceptional services is flexible and customer-driven cost models. Ambitious to enabling clients to bank on innovative trends, the company empowers businesses to easily migrate towards SaaS based delivery models and mobility from legacy enterprise systems, managed through various subscription models. Built its forte on mobility, Avani stands apart from the crowded enterprise migration arena owing to its expertise indiligently analysing which part of the enterprise system features can go to mobile and how to protect and navigate the data more securely and efficiently. The company also innovates several mobile apps in HCM space as well as several free all-purpose apps. For instance, Raksha - Help In Need, a free app for personal safety landed Avani's concern for social causes firmly on the radar of Indian and American media including several top publications. Avani intrigues even hitherto cynical organizations to dip their toes in cloud & mobility with its consistent delivery excellence; thanks to its dedicated project management teams for every project and guaranteed resource availability in onsite, offsite and hybrid pay-on-delivery models.

Soaring to Greater Heights

Impressed with Avani's niche that sets it apart from larger competitors; Chase Bank granted Sameer a line of credit for $2 million. That's all Sameer needed to build an empire. Investing it wisely in recruiting skilled resources, Avani instigated its operations in 2010 in Rochester, New York and instilled his customer-centric mindset upon his people. The company enthralled its toehold in the industry by implementing an exceptional global CRM package within impressive budget and timeline. As this success story proved to be competent player, soon Avani forged a stellar reputation as the early adopters of new technologies, who has a knack for building innovative products and services at most economic way by exploring open source technologies. Thanks to tons of strong positive buzz, Avani kept broadening its offerings apace with its rapidly increasing clientele in commercial enterprises as well as government sector including city of New York, Abbott Nutrition, Kodak, ConServe, Cognizant, and Various state agencies and school districts to name a few.

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