
Agriculture and Technology - a match made in India?

By Subhadeep Sanyal, VP, Omnivore Capital
Monday, February 9, 2015
By Subhadeep Sanyal, VP, Omnivore Capital
Omnivore Partners is a venture fund investing in early stage agriculture & food technology companies in India.

Omnivore supports entrepreneurs who are developing solutions to improve farm productivity, increase agricultural sustainability, modernize agribusiness supply chains, and promote farm-sourced food products.

Omnivore seeks to transform Indian agriculture through technology innovation, impacting the lives of farmers and rural communities.

Can a nation of 1.2 billion people, a majority of which isagrarian and rural by disposition even today, be considered to be the hotbed for amalgamation of cutting edge technology applications with one of the oldest professions known to man – agriculture??

Yes,most certainly yes.

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