Most Favorite Tablet Games Ever

Bangalore: Tablet owners know that the best entertainment in their 7-inch or 10-inch device is playing games. Whether you have an Apple iPad or any Android tablet these games just steals your mind and amuses you in all possible way. Some of these games are also available for BlackBerry Playbook. Have a look at these most loved tablet games which you should download on your tablet if by any change you have missed it out.

1. Angry Birds

Available For: iOS, Android, Blackberry

This game will chase away all the blues. Here come the angry birds with planes and turbo-charged hedgehog. We all know that these birds have come a long way and it is one of the most popular games in the whole electronic and smart-device media. You can actually find some or the other version of this game available on all mobile devices.

The best thing about this game is its puzzle and tough-to-mature nature which makes the user interested and occupied. The game is also very easy to pick up. Rovio, the maker of the game recently launched the new version of the game named ‘Angry Bird Space’ which gives you a space-episode with these cute little birdies and meets up to the sky-high user expectation.