Fastest-Ever SSD Unveiled By Seagate

BENGALURU: Seagate announced that they were able to make the “fastest-ever” solid state flash drive that will offer superior performance and highest power efficiency.  Seagate claims that its exclusive SSD will deliver blazing speed of 10 GB per second that easily beats the previous affirmation to offer world’s fastest SSD throughput of 6 GB per second, reports techradar.

Seagate’s “production-ready” SSD complies with the Open Compute Project (OCP) storage specifications which makes it tailor-made for hyperscale data centers. The OCP compliance will allow Seagate to deliver new SSD at low cost with moderate power consumption capability. The latest drive inherits Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) protocol that speeds up the data transfer rates by four times compared to the preceding solid state flash drive.

The revolutionary SSD will work with sixteen–lane PCIe slots and Seagate is planning to develop another unit for eight-lane PCIe slots with slightly less performance output of 6.7 GB per second to address the thwart industry needs that require more cost-effective solution.

Seagate firmly states that it has effectively “rewritten the rules for performance” with this latest offering. The flagship SSD will be the “best-of-breed” product to be leveraged by large-scale cloud providers around the globe. The enterprises providing statistical trend analysis and weather modeling solution will also get the benefits of the enhanced speed performance of Seagate’s inventive SSD solution. “Technology advancements continue to stretch the limits of SSD speed and performance due to growing enterprise demands that require fast data processing at scale,” said Gregory Wong, founder and principal analyst, Forward Insights. 

Seagate, the global leader in data storage solutions, plans to schedule the release of both the variants of its advanced solid state flash drive–for 16-PCIe slots and cut-down model for 8-PCIe slots during the Open Project Summit 2016 convention in San Jose, California.

So be ready to feel the extremely fast flash drive speed to revamp computing experience for global data storage organizations to small-scale analytics business across the world.

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