E3 2012-Top 5 Action-Packed Games

Bangalore: E3 2012 is regarded as the best expo for the video game industry. E3 proves to be a platform for a lot of video game developers to show case their upcoming games and game-related hardware. Past few years because of the innovations in the gadgets world the numbers of gamers have increased. So all the gamers hold your breath as we go through the list of top 5 exciting games that are soon going to be available in the market.

5. The Secret World

Genre: Modern Online Role-Playing

Platform: PC

Publisher: Funcom

The Secret World has been listed as the most eagerly awaited and anticipated game of 2012 by the gaming sites like G4TV, VideoGamer, and RockPaperShotgun. It has also been listed as the game to watch out for in 2012 by Forbes and The Guardian. The game allows the gamer to discover the secret world within our real world which is inhabited by monsters of legend and ancient beings