4 Things to See While Buying a Smartphone

Bangalore: Market is flooded with variety of smartphones, but which is the best for you and which one to choose? The companies always mention the specifications of the devices, which can help a lot in the selection process. But when the options are numerous and specs differences are wide getting confused is obvious. Here are some points that can help you to know better about smartphones and will let you to make a wise purchase decision.

1. Number of Cores

It is very important to understand the processor specification of smartphones while choosing one. The units MHz (megahertz) and GHz (Gigahertz) are the measures of how fast your device can execute computation.

When we talk about the cores of a processor, we refer to the central processing units (CPU) of the processor which reads and executes the program instructions. These cores are placed on a single chip which is usually termed as “system on chip” (SoC).

The performance of core depends upon the chip manufacturers. Most of the smartphones and tablets available today runs on ARM processors because of it power efficiency.

The function of cores in a processor is to split the task and thus gives more efficiency to the device. A processor having 1.2GHz speed with single core will drain more battery. Hence the need of multiple cores comes into picture. The smartphones with multiple-core processor are faster than the smartphones with single core processor.

Currently smartphones are having either single core, dual-core (two cores) or quad-core processors (four cores). It is advised by the experts to go for a processor with high GHz numbers and with at least two cores. The top most smartphones today are running on either dual-core or quad-core processors.

The question one might ask that weather the market is offering such apps which can utilize the technology of quad-core processors. The answer is- not yet. Most of the apps available at present are built for devices that run on single or dual-core processors. Therefore, one cannot make use of the extra processing power of quad-core processors properly at present.

The next new buzz about the smartphone processors is- “plus one”. It means the smartphones with dual-core processor or quad-core processor will have an addition processor to perform specific function, like graphics.