
Transforming Healthcare Delivery and Management in Asia

Ravindran Govindan
Ravindran Govindan
Mercatus Capital
Mercatus Capital help businesses across a diverse area of services including Venture and Angel Funding, Securing Grants, Public and Private Equity, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Restructurings, Financial Advisory, Initial Public Offerings and Strategic Partnerships.

Is Mercatus Capital a fund management company?

Mercatus Capital is actually very different from traditional fund management companies. We believe we are unique and have evolved to become Asia's premier Angel Investor and Incubator. Our strategy is to provide early stage support to promising entrepreneurs with ideas and technology that are disruptive and paradigm shifting. Beyond providing the seed funding, Mercatus undertakes an active incubation programme to groom the top management to adopt a global outlook and to prepare the companies to become major players in the global market place. Mercatus taps the collective business acumen of the High Net worth Individuals who provide the capital for the companies and who also take an active role in mentoring the companies.

What sort of mentoring and incubation support do you provide?

My fellow investors and I take an active interest in working with the companies especially in opening doors and helping them get access to new markets. Over the past 30 years I have been personally involved with over 100 companies and taken several companies to IPO in Australia and Singapore. We put to good use the cumulative business experience and network of contacts of my fellow investors and I help our companies: raise additional capital; meet with major customers; negotiate large contracts including setting up Joint Ventures or Mergers and Acquisitions. We help the management of our portfolio companies to think global.

Mercatus leverages on its global connections to open doors and provide active customer engagements for the companies. We are headquartered in Singapore and we have offices in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam. We help the companies in the areas of financial management, corporate governance and, PR & Communications.

Through the active investment and incubation program Mercatus ensures that the companies are
• well financed;
• develop 'Go To Market" strategies that address a global audience; and
• have a clear exit path for investors and founders.
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Reader's comments(1)
1: We are an year old startup firm working for channelizing the rickshaw drivers(both manual and motor)into a more civilised as well as financial stable individuals, also using their space at their vehicle for advertisements for companies across UP.We create a chain of keeping the auto drivers involved and helps them gain some monetary benefit. But as the advertising arena is all about credit and the social impact requires initial capital,so we are seeking funding to increase our scale of impact.
Posted by:arjun singh - 21 Mar, 2012

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