Fans And Their Crazy Ways To Impress Their Idols


The social media has helped bonding on and off the internet. But for Ashley Tisdale, it was horrifying when her super crazy fan took to social media and sent her tweets, as if they both are dating each other and have been in touch for a very long time. The tweets said, “I’ll never lose u baby even in 20 years till infinity you’ll always b my best friend.” The tweets got creepier day by day and the scariest point for Ashley was when the probable “tweet-man” reached her home. She registered a police complaint.


Swimming can be sports, a hobby or just an exercise for many all over. But an insane Taylor Swift’s fan took to swimming to reach to his favorite celebrity. The 22 year old man swam across the ocean to reach the singer’s Rhode Island beach house.  When asked by the cops past midnight on what was he doing in the waters, he said he swam across the ocean wishing to meet the singer. He was arrested for trespassing.

Changed name

Rapper Kanye West must have been happy to be showered with love by his woman fans. However, his crazy fan, made Kanye get shock of his life. A woman from Chicago, Linda Resa changed her name to Mrs Kanye Resa West, to show the rapper how much she loved him. Along with a change in her name she has tattoos of his name engraved on her arm and her behind. She came on-air on a talk show of a radio station, to talk about her endless love towards Kanye; and she came in wearing a tiara.

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