Viagra, LSD And 8 Other Accidental Inventions



Invention of LSD was not really an accident but the effect of one LSD derivative was discovered later. Swiss chemist, Albert Hoffman was on a mission to map the unchartered territory of compounds which was derived from a fungus called Ergot. He thus produced one derivative and named it LSD-25 but that really did not fascinate the scientists.

In 1943, when he was producing the compound again, he was interrupted with un usual sensations, he was accidentally under its dose.  After leaving work early, he wanted to lie down as soon as possible and he was hallucinating with fantastic pictures, shapes and colors; he called it “An intense kaleidoscopic play of colors." He had accidentally invented the most psychic drugs of all time and pushed it to medical purposes only. He was very disappointed when he knew people used this drug for recreational purpose and were becoming addicts. He called the drug his ‘Problem Child’