Low In Budget? Try Buzz Marketing

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Fremont: The tight packed budgets and ever-increasing expenses have left the startups to think of communications and advertising mediums that might be free or less expensive. Buzz marketing and Guerilla marketing are the ideal tools for startups, small and medium sized companies with limited communication budgets.

The lack of buzz of startup in the market is due to lack of marketing strategy. With multiple communications channels; internet, chats on the web, and others, buzz marketing can be said to be a bandwagon led by communities of consumers, fans and enthusiasts who use word of mouth and spread all kinds of rumors, right or wrong, about a particular product or service. But to succeed in buzz marketing, the product needs to have originality in itself.

Dove established itself in the market by using the online marketing practices to create a buzz within its target audience. It had an original concept: Real Women Beauty Campaign, which paid off very well. It is necessary for the startups to have a well-controlled and limited distribution of the product, together with a super premium price and very focused communication through the mediums that target the consumers well. The originality of the concept plays a vital role in the success of a startup in order to benefit from the quick and positive word of mouth.

Buzz marketing is always about surprising and delighting the customers. A product or service without an added value to its product or services from a functional or practical point of view will create negative word of mouth. Consequently, a good buzz marketing can succeed only if it combines both originality and attractiveness from the consumer’s perspective. Also, the startups should have the potential to build loyalty through community management rather than just gaining new customers.

Creating buzz is not limited to the traditional methods. Today, HR personnel are not just for recruitment. They have to handle additional responsibilities than just recruiting. HR people are responsible to create the image of the company, open the candidates to the responsibilities and opportunities that they will gain from by joining the startup and the growth that the startup holds in the near future in the market. A cohesive performance in terms of creating buzz in the market remains in the shoulder of the HR. For example, the HR personnel can show some pictures of the team of the company at some conference with some renowned person of the industry, pictures of the cozy work culture of the company and so on.