Bill Gates Reveals His Biggest Regret

He's An Extreme Tourist

Gates is often portrayed as the model nerd, but he’s a fun guy with good social life and wants to take his kids to good places, here is what he wrote in AMA “I love playing tennis. I am an avid bridge player. I like to tour interesting things with my kids like power plants, garbage dumps, the Large Hadron Collider, Antarctica, missile Silos, I read a lot and watch courses .”

Internet Freedom

When asked about his “thoughts on the push against the open and free Internet that we have been seeing in the recent past and present (such as sopa, etc)”, Gates said, “There are two things this could reference. One is the free/pay for software mix. The Internet has benefited from having lots of free stuff and lots of commercial software. It has been interesting see people inventing hybrid models. Even stuff that is pretty commercial often has free versions for some audiences. Even the most open stuff often have services people choose to pay for.

The second thing is the anonymous versus identified tension. This is another one where both will probably thrive since you want anonymity for some things and full identity for others. I am surprised how little progress has been made in the identity space but it will improve.”

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