8 Most Expensive Perfumes In The World

#4 Henri Alméras’s Joy Perfume for Jean Patou – $800 per ounce

Designed by Henri Alméras in 1929. It is considered the greatest fragrances ever created.

Joy Back fragrance was created for the Parisian perfumer Jean Patou. It was invented for a purpose that is to bring joy to  the clients when the Wall Street crashed.

Even though the price was really expensive the fragrance became a hit and still remains popular. Though the fragrance is made from varieties of flowers and has its own uniqueness, the perfume do not smell like any one particular flower.

#3 Annick Goutal Perfume EAU D’hadrien – $1,500 for a bottle

One of the famous makers of perfume Annick has designed this strong aromatic fragrance. It is made from citrus fruits like grapes and Sicilian lemons., It’s amazing sweet smell would keep all the people around you joyful and pleasant and the fragrance works like a magic.


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