5 Household Scents to Boost Your Health


The smell of tempting chocolate creates happy feeling within self. According to Hirsch, Chocolate "is a psychoactive food that contains caffeine – it triggers the release of endorphins and tryptophan, which triggers serotonin and reduces anxiety." Chocolate has numerous benefits which help to reduce stress, inflammation and also enhances the mood of a person. It triggers the body and mind with an energetic feeling. As "90 per cent of taste is smell, when you’re to smell chocolate, you're getting an effect that makes you react to the taste of chocolate without even eating it.”  

Green apple

The sweet smell of green apple fights claustrophobia and migraine pain. According to Hirsch “it may reduce anxiety, which makes headaches worse, or reduce muscle contraction." For claustrophobic, the green apple smell "can make people perceive that a space is larger." The fresh smell of green apple can also control appetite as "The mechanics may be sensory-specific satiety, the phenomena where you're exposed to the smell or taste of something, your brain tells you you've eaten the thing already and your appetite is reduced."