10 Best Tech Institutes Of India

#3 IIIT (International Institute of InformationTechnology) Hyderabad

Overall rank 2012: 3

Overall rank 2011: 5

Overall rank 2010: 5

Placement score: 29.2 out of 40

Placement rank: 1

Infrastructure score: 6 out of 10

Infrastructure rank: 15

Academic environment score: 10 out of 20

Academic environment rank: 9

Industry Interface: 1.2 out of 5

Industry Interface rank: 67

At 3rd position, IIIT Hydrabad has proved its mettle in the crowded place of tech institutes in the country. In the time where IITs have become every student’s dream, this non IIT institute proved its sheer competence against the premier institutes of the country. On the contrary it is way ahead than the biggies like IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi and others. Academic environment and infrastructure scores saw a big boost. But on industry interface it needs attention as it has gone down compared to the previous year.

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