10 Awesome Tech Companies Changing The Way You Work

#9 37 Signals: Making Work enjoyable for people every day

The web based collaboration becomes complex when more and more workers are scattered and working on a freelance basis. 37 Signals helps fix that with collaboration tools like Basecamp, where people can stay clod connected wherever they are and,  talk and work together on a project instead of just sending it back and forth as if they are placed close by in real time.

The company helps level the field between freelancers, small businesses, and large enterprises with no setup fees, no termination fees, and no long contracts, which is incredibly important for smaller businesses.

37signals is based in Chicago, Illinois. It was co-founded in 1999 by Jason Fried, Carlos Segura, and Ernest Kim as a web design company, and presently it is into wed applications, and only co-founder Jason Fried is with the company currently.  

The company is named for the 37 radio telescope signals identified by astronomer Paul Horowitz as potential messages from extraterrestrial intelligence.