5 Best Low Maintenance Indoor plants for Apartment Living

5 Best Low Maintenance Indoor plants for Apartment Living

By siliconindia   |   Friday, November 14, 2014

plantBangalore : People who are living in an apartment are feeling bad for not having a yard. Don’t worry; there is a way -indoor plants. Some apartment gardeners appreciate indoor plants as it creates a good feel without doing a lot of work.  Plants are great and creates a multitude of benefits such as it can brighten up an apartment with the greenery, it purifies the air, reduces the airborne toxins and it can also be used for filtering out volatile organic compounds. If you are the type of person who plans to choose plants with low maintenance, look out these 5 indoor plants which appropriate for apartments.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii)

The snake plant which looks like a tall thin sword shaped dark green leaves is imperishable and it’s also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. This plant can survive at any temperature; you can place them in a sunny window or near bath room, Water every few weeks and often called as birds nest Sansevieria and it is best for filtering out air pollutants formaldehyde, which will present in tissues, toilet papers, personal care products, cleaning products. Those who are looking to add greenery in the apartment, but cannot spend a lot of time to take care of plants, and then the snake plant is ideal.  

Succulents (Aglaonema commutatum)

Most of the gardeners think this as a perfect indoor plant as it offers gorgeous greenery and easy care choices with juicy leaves and stems; moreover these are indestructible and adaptive. These are available in different color combinations and styles such as blue-green, pink, yellow, red, chartreuse, white, black, burgundy, variegated and many others.

Some Succulent leaves may be needlelike, ruffled, rounded, spiky etc. Mainly two of them like Flapjacks and Candelabra have great foliage with little attention of care.This can survive at any terrible condition, while placing just make sure that they are exposed to bright light and pour water once for every 15 days.

Chinese ever green (Aglaonema Crispum Deborah)

The Chinese ever green plant belongs to arum family and often called as Aglaonema and its one of the easiest indoor plant to grow. This plant act as an indoor air purifier, most of the people use this for filtering air pollutants and removing toxins. The most interesting thing in this plant is it doesn’t need much light for blooming, even if you place the plant in low light, it can also produce red berries and blooms only it requires moderate watering. This plant can flourish for years.

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