
Ashok Vasant Edurkar

Ashok Vasant Edurkar
Consultant Stork Vienna Austria
MBA/PGDM Finance & Marketing

Ashok Vasant Edurkar ’s Blogs

Performance Appraisal Once the employee has been selected and placed, he is then appraised for his performance. Pe...more >>
Human Resource Planning is the backbone of the human resource management and development. It ensures that the organis...more >>

About Ashok Vasant Edurkar

I am B.Tech & M.B.A.-Finance.33 years industrial & academic experience.I work as a consultant-Stork International Gmbh,Vienna,Austria for marketing activities related to ferroalloys, coking coal metallurgical coke, ilmenite, titanium ore , sugar etc.I also work as a management consultant for projects related to ferroalloys & ilmenite.I am associated as a faculty with SCDL,IIEBM for academic work

Ashok Vasant Edurkar ’s experience

Management Consultant   at   Stork Handelsges m.b.H. Vienna,Austria , Pune
Management consultancy for projects related to managenese
alloys,ferrosilicon, mineral & mining projects proojects related
to various ores like iron ore,managanese ore,illemenite ore etc

Ashok Vasant Edurkar ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Finance & Marketing],
B.Tech. M.B.A. Finance & Marketing [June,1976] , Pune, INDIA

Ashok Vasant Edurkar ’s additional information

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