
Sumit Kumar

Sumit Kumar
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics & Telecommunication

About Sumit Kumar

like my name which means a good friend, i like to make friends and work in a team. my hobbies are playing chess,badminton; solving puzzles and watching documentaries.As far as my achievements are concerned i have got first prize in chess in my college, selected for a case study on rural villages at IIT Roorkee, and be the comity member of a technical colleges fest organized at parade ground.

Sumit Kumar ’s experience

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Sumit Kumar ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics & Telecommunica...],
Dehradun Institute of Technology [Currently,Studying] , Dehradun, INDIA

Sumit Kumar ’s additional information

watching documentaries, playing chess, badminton, solving puzzles, cooking,searching for new places.
Awards and achievements:
Got first prize in chess in college. Selected for a case study on rural villages at iit roorkee. Active member of the organizing comity of a technical colleges fest at parade ground.
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