
Giri Dhar Sai

Giri Dhar Sai
B.Tech/B.E. clever

Giri Dhar Sai ’s Blogs

Introduction of Social ResponsibilityIn your daily life, you perform a number of activities. For example, brushing yo...more >>
The subtle differences between various Computer related majors are confusing, especially at the age when one makes th...more >>

About Giri Dhar Sai

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

Giri Dhar Sai ’s experience

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Giri Dhar Sai ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [clever],
SRKIT [Currently,Studying] , Vijayawada, INDIA

Giri Dhar Sai ’s additional information

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