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siliconindia Daily dose
Friday, February 27, 2015
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Top News
The U.S. and India have a "historic opportunity" to dramatically enhance bilateral tiesand America's effort should be to influence rather than direct in the relationship
Top Indian and U.S. defence officials will meet in New Delhi this week to draw a roadmap.
Everyday an enormous amount of photos is being uploaded on the social networking sites like Facebook.
A company's innovation and protection can be judged by the number of patents in their bag.
India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership would work more closely with the U.S.
Corruption is a huge problem in the world, which can affect any nation's infrastructure, business, economy.
Startup City
With the focus being on start ups, this budget has a far reaching effect on the industry, economy and global market.
Wondering which start ups to walk up to or who can really change your career.
India ranks lower than most BRICS nations in terms of innovation despite logging a double digit growth in the Research and Development sector.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission Thursday approved the proposal to make Internet a public utility.
Encompassed by the lavish green woodlands, Kakolat waterfall is arranged in the hills of Kakolat.
Home to the finest white sand shoreline, Tarkarli is Malvan Taluka town in Sindhudurg District in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
Enterprise IT
People are constantly on search for new restaurants nearby to trend their taste senses.
Networking is the single most powerful tactic to accelerate and sustain growth for any individual or organization.
A federal judge ruled unconstitutional President Barack Obama's recent executive action.
Mid June the current fiscal year the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has detained more than 52,000 children.
Best of Technology Blogs
Everything needs maintenance whether it is a website or any physical entity.
Technology is evolving at such a rapid speed that businesses need to keep pace or fall back.
As devices are becoming more portable, speech is increasingly becoming a common mode of device input...
In a rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment, evaluating company performance...
Most Read Jokes
Texas A&M Study Calls Obama 5th Best President From a total of 44 US Presidents, Obama is rated the 5th best.
A policeman pulls over a driver for swerving in and out of lanes on the highway. He tells the guy to blow a breath
Books are always riveting and dream like.It is what you want it to be, an inspiration, imagination, or just a time killer.
It is summer time. Well almost! With the heat sinking in slowly. It is time for sundresses, lemonades and more..

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