The Certified Ethical Hackers Of India

# Ankit Fadia: Ankit Fadia is a computer security consultant, author and an ethical hacker who shot to fame after he wrote the book “Unofficial Guide to Ethical Hacking” at the age of 15. Fadia has worked with intelligence agencies against terrorists and has offered computer security consulting services with developing certification programs on computer security for corporations in alliance with Reliance world. He started writing books on computer security which have sold close to 10 million copies all over the world and has been translated in different languages too.

# Trishneet Arora: Trishneet Arora is the world’s 2nd  youngest author of ethical hacking books and has apparently solved many crime cases with agencies. Trishneet is a social networking specialist who has helped solve many cases like the fake profiles, money frauds and many more online crimes. He has been interviewed by many newspapers and TV channels and is currently the Chief Technical Officer at TAC security solutions.

# Rahul Tyagi: Rahul Tyagi is a computer security consultant recognized for his Ethical hacking training sessions all over the world. Tyagi is the vice president of cyber security and anti hacking organization of India and also serves as the technical head for the news paper Aassociation of India. Apparently, Tyagi had recently spoken with the media channels to create awareness in people about the threats and effects of hacking.

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