Teenagers In Mini Metros More Active On Internet: Survey

BANGALORE: For the tingling of the mind in the restful hours, username and password comes calling with the strokes on the keyboard, there enters the world of amusement. Youth have transformed from those of the 90s who thought of going for cycling in greener arenas. Young India harps on to internet and predominantly social media as it sits down with itself exploring the world around, with fingers moving and brain sorting the ‘like’ and ‘share.’

A survey done by TCS covering 18,196 students in the age group of 12 to 18 years of age spread across 14 cities in India highlights the current trends of the digital lives and experiences of youth. Giving deep insights about the influence of internet and social media on the youngsters, this survey gives clear figures on the influence of the internet and its services such as social media as we see it today.

Facebook—no points in guessing this one–is the frontrunner in the most accessed social media website. 76 percent of the students have Facebook account. This number is still low compared to the 2012 survey report that suggested 86 percent. Google+ is adding up on its popularity and Pinterest is increasingly attracting student’s interest. Orkut! Now, what’s that?

One of the key findings is the fact that many–87 percent–of the students have agreed that social media made them aware of the current affairs. Now, that’s for mama to decide what’s right for the kid but, social media has become a channel for touching upon current affairs and general knowledge.

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