Steve Jobs Final Ambition Was 'To Design An iCar'

Steve Jobs Final Ambition Was 'To Design An iCar'

Bangalore: Known as the “Father of Digital Revolution” and “Design Perfectionist”, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs had a final ambition of designing an Apple iCar that would dominate the roads.

As per the reports of Business Insider, the CEO of Apple told his associates that he wanted to create an iCar. Prior to his death, during a meeting, he also reported to the Times that he wanted to ‘take on Detroit.’

According to Daily Mail, Mickey Drexler, CEO of J.Crew and longtime Apple board member confirmed the report, stating ‘Steve’s dream before he died was to design an iCar.’ Drexler believes the never-realized Apple car could have a serious impact in the American car market.

Reports said about Apple’s largest rival Google that has already famously put weight behind a self-driving car and also about, Google’s driverless car, commonly known to be, has been the subject of countless videos and news articles specifying the likelihood (or unlikelihood) of its success or even feasibility.

It is yet to be seen whether Google will succeed or not, but it is currently the only name in tech that drives untold research dollars into automobile research and development.

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