Google+ Hashtags To Be Recognized By Google Search

Google+  Hashtags To Be Recognized By Google Search

Bangalore: Google announced that the hashtags for posts on Google+ can be used on Google search as well. This is thought to be a way of implementing Google+ into other Google products as well. Google started supporting hashtags back in May; but the new feature has made available only in the U.S. and Canada.

 Users will now be able to get a list of the popular Google+ posts just by typing the relevant hashtag in Google Search. Even though the search engine won’t highlight the results from other social media like Facebook and twitter; it will provide a link in the side bar beneath the Google+ posts. A user can view the comments and +1’s received for a particular post but does not have the option to revert back without logging into Google+.

The new feature will certainly be an added advantage for content owners by providing them a platform to highlight their work by using hashtags together with their posts. The results will be displayed on the top right corner and will certainly increase the viewership and traffic of popular hashtags.

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