Bell Lab's 7 Great Inventions that Changed the World

Bangalore: We now live in a world dominated by innovative companies and technologies, and on the top list of inventions, stand the Bell Laboratories which played a major role in shaping the world of today. They were the pioneers in almost everything, from programming languages to cellular telephones.

Studying about Bell lab will make you realize about how the world’s longstanding innovative edge actually came out as John Gertner reported in NewYork Times, “America’s history of innovation trace back to Bell Laboratories, the onetime research and development organization of country’s formerly monopolistic telephone company AT&T.”

Here we list some of the greatest innovations from Bell Laboratories which changed the world.


Transistor, the fundamental building block of all the modern day electronic devices was born in Bell Labs in 1947. It was developed as a replacement for inefficient and bulky vacuum tubes and mechanical relays. It created a new era of technical accomplishments from computers to space vehicles.