9 Lessons The Tech World Learned In 2012

Bangalore: The year 2012 was a roller costar ride for tech world-- iPhone 5, iPad mini, Windows 8, Surface tablet, Samsung becoming the top mobile manufacturer, twitter lost Instagram integration, Google emerged scratch free from anti trust probe, Apple got criticized over dumping Google Maps and it was the year that saw Raspberry Pi become a true phenomenon, Twitter users on the end of libel actions and publishers' dreams of iPad riches take a reality check—and a lot more became toast of 2012. So what lessons did tech world learn with all these things happening at dizzying pace? Read on to know 9 lessons the tech world learned in 2012 as compiled by The Guardian.  

LESSON 9: Tweet in haste, get slapped by court notice!

UK Twitter users were at receiving end when Lord McAlpine took on to sue them for tweeting false allegations that he had been involved in child abuse. The whole episode became a base for a new internet law in UK.

The law makers reckoned that the twitter users with 500 or fewer followers could get in touch with McAlpine's lawyers and, upon payment of a small fee to charity, escape with a pardon. And those who enjoy a huge number of followers were required to pay heftier damages or face the full force of ruthless lawyers in court.

It also evoked a sense that: are Twitterers tweets should be considered equal to the news the professional broadcast companies like BBC broadcasts? How different it is with a tweet a Twitterer writes in nick of excitement or thoughtlessness with respect to the news a professional journalist.

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