8 Ways You Can Control Devices Without Touching

Bangalore: First it was “Push”, then it became “Touch,” and now it is “No Touching.” Yes, we are talking about the change of technology over the years. Gesture control or “control without touching,” is the hottest trend in technology now.

We are not talking about Siri, the voice recognizing personal assistant in iPhone. A number of other companies, including tech giants like Microsoft are working hard to make our TVs, laptops, Smartphones and tablets watch and respond to the actions made by our hand or even the eye!

Many of these products are available in the market now and are pretty much affordable than what you think.

Here we list 8 most innovative, coolest gesture control technologies ranging from free downloadable apps to ones that cost 5 number figures.

You can either buy them or try them right now.

#9 Flutter

If you own an Apple computer, then here is one gesture control technology which you can try for free- Flutter. It allows you to control the music on iTunes and Spotify with a simple wave of your hand in front of the webcam. Since the app is still in its beta version, the functionality is limited. You can only play and pause by holding your hand. But still, don’t you feel it’s so cool to stop the music from laptop just by raising your hand.